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Just because it looks good, doesn’t mean it has to break the bank. So when VW created a new luxury SUV that was both stylish and sensible, we turned their biggest launch of the year into a cultural message to settle for more. A part from selling cars, people took to Twitter & Reddit asking us to turn the commercial into its own show.

Sierra Trading Post | Let’s Get Moving

Sierra sells the same gear as REI but for way cheaper, so there’s no more excuses to get active. The campaign needed to be cheeky, as the brand doesn’t take themselves as seriously as the big competition. So Sierra brought in David Spade to be the spokesperson. We launched in Holiday of 2022 with an ad focused on getting people moving through holiday gifting.


“The gift that keeps on giving” :30

“Looking too good” :30

Director: Benji Weinstein
Agency: adam&eveDDB
CCO: Rick Brim
CDs: Bryan Barnes, Shannon Murphy
Senior Creatives: Charlotte Frank, Elizabeth Swartz